Friday, August 2, 2013

More of Mom's Projects!

Hello everyone! This post will be used to show a lot of my mom's projects that she has created! If you have any questions or comments please leave a comment below and remember to check out our Facebook Page and give us a like to keep updated! Thank you all once again for your continued support!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

More Coasters!

       Hello again everyone! I have made more coasters in other colors that I would like to share pictures of! It has been so hard for me to choose a pattern lately and try something new. So if you have any ideas or inspirations for me that would be awesome and greatly appreciated! I am really thankful for all of the feedback that I receive! Thank you all once again for your continued support!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

New Addition!

       Hello everyone! There has been a new addition to this blog as I will also be posting photos of various crafts and projects that my mother has made as well! I have also been busy with making new projects after pondering over numerous patterns while trying to decide what I want to make next! Sometimes that is the hardest part! First I will show some of my new projects!

This is a set of two red dishcloths that I made.

This is the first coaster that I made and I am very pleased with the outcome! Definitely a lot more of these will be made in the near future!

Now, to show some of the projects that my mom has made!

This is a star wall hanging that measures 19"x19" and has a 2" sleeve on the back.

This is called the Chubby Charmer Bag and it measures 25"x13"x8.5" and the handles are 21", and it also has 4 inside pockets.

This is one of a set of four Sealed With A Kiss Place Mats. They each measure 12"x18".

This and the following bags are called The Perfect Tote, and they measure 14"x11"x6".

Thank you all again for your continued support and I have created a Facebook page that will also be dedicated to these and future crafts and projects! So head on over and give us a like so that you can get updated there as well! The link is:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Spring is Here!

       I am very happy to announce that spring is here at last! Sadly, I haven't had very much time to enjoy it yet. My mom and I are thinking about teaming up on this blog, so if we decide to, there will be a different title, and I will be posting pictures of the various things that we are both creating! I will still be using the same website as I am now, as well as the same email address to contact me. As always, if you are interested in anything on this blog please email me at or you can also email me if you have any questions, comments, and critiques! Thank you so much for all of your continued support! My schedule should be slowing down a little in a couple of weeks, so hopefully I can get a lot more projects done!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy...

       Hello everyone! I wanted to apologize once again for not posting very much lately. I have been super busy this past week with school and work. I have been working on crocheting my first baby blanket for someone that I know, so I cannot post any pictures of it right now because I don't want them to see it yet. ;) I only have a few days so I need to get it done ASAP! The way my schedule is right now, I am really hoping that I can get it done by the time I want to because I'd rather give it to them in person than mail it to them. We will see! I am also currently working on getting a third job. Yes, you read that correctly haha. I hope that you have been enjoying my posts and pictures, and I am sorry that I have not been posting much lately! On a good note, spring is almost here!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Springtime Dishcloths :)

       Hello everyone! This is just going to be a brief post. I wanted to let everyone know that if you are interested in anything that I have made, just let me know! You can email me at Comments, tips, tricks, and future ideas, are welcome too! Let me know what you think!
       The second main reason that I am posting today is that last night I made two spring inspired dishcloths and I thought you might like to see how they turned out! I am very pleased with them! I really like making dishcloths (in case you haven't noticed). I thought that it was pretty neat that using the same exact yarn gave me two different patterns, even when using the same stitch and everything!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My First Scarf!

       Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't posted in quite a while, between school work and working a lot of hours lately I haven't had much time to work on projects. Its sad, I know. I am going to start setting aside more time so that I can work on more projects because working patiently with my hands and creating something really relaxes me and relieves some of the stress of everyday life. Another reason why I am posting is because I recently finished crocheting my first scarf and I am very pleased with it! I will post a couple of pictures down below! I have been working on some dish cloths once again but in different, and more spring-like colors. I will post pictures when I get those finished as well! Any and all feedback is welcomed and encouraged! Also once again, if you are interested in anything just let me know! Thank you everyone for your continued support, it means so much more to me that you will ever know.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hello Everyone!

       Hello! I am sorry that I have not been posting much recently! I have been pretty busy between college starting back up this past week and working around 20 hours a week. This is going to be a short post because I haven't finished any more projects since the last time I posted. (I know, I'm bad!) I wanted to make a short note that if anyone is interested in anything that I post, please let me know! Thank you everyone for your continued support!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

What's Next?

       I have been having a bit of a difficult time lately with trying to figure out what to make next! I have plenty of yarn and some fabric, but I just cannot decide what to make! If you have any ideas of some different projects, please let me know! I enjoy making the dish cloths because they are fairly straightforward and I am pleased with how they turn out.
       Another point that I wanted to make on this post is that any and all feedback is welcome and enjoyed! Whether it is comments, questions, or even criticisms. I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has taken a few minutes out of their day to read my blog as well! Your encouragement is refreshing! :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Some of My Previous Projects

       As you can probably tell by the title of this post, I wanted to share some pictures of some of the projects I had already made before I created this blog. Things have been pretty hectic lately, but I would like to remain somewhat regular at posting here on my blog.

 This is a picture of another dish cloth that I started and finished two nights ago. I thought I would try something different with this one by creating a thicker edging, and I am pleased with the results!

This is a photo of a small wall hanging that I created a few years ago using applique and a drawing that I drew myself. It measures 10 1/4" x 12".

This is a photo of a lap quilt that I also made a few years ago, using what is called, a snowball block. This finished quilt measures 38 1/2" x 52 1/2".

                                                                 A close up of the blocks.

                                                                       Back of the quilt.

Monday, January 7, 2013

You're Never Too Old...

       You're never too old to learn something new! I decided that during this winter break that I was going to teach myself how to crochet and finish at least one project! I was determined, and after learning various tricks, techniques and stitches, I decided that I was ready to tackle a project. Something small that wasn't too difficult or wouldn't take too long. I decided on making dish cloths for my mom using Sugar 'n Cream yarn. It was super easy to work with and I am proud of my results! They aren't exactly perfect but I'd say that I did pretty well! Here is a picture of the two that I created the other day.

Let me know what you think! Also, if you have any tips or tricks don't be afraid to share them!