Saturday, March 16, 2013

Springtime Dishcloths :)

       Hello everyone! This is just going to be a brief post. I wanted to let everyone know that if you are interested in anything that I have made, just let me know! You can email me at Comments, tips, tricks, and future ideas, are welcome too! Let me know what you think!
       The second main reason that I am posting today is that last night I made two spring inspired dishcloths and I thought you might like to see how they turned out! I am very pleased with them! I really like making dishcloths (in case you haven't noticed). I thought that it was pretty neat that using the same exact yarn gave me two different patterns, even when using the same stitch and everything!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My First Scarf!

       Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't posted in quite a while, between school work and working a lot of hours lately I haven't had much time to work on projects. Its sad, I know. I am going to start setting aside more time so that I can work on more projects because working patiently with my hands and creating something really relaxes me and relieves some of the stress of everyday life. Another reason why I am posting is because I recently finished crocheting my first scarf and I am very pleased with it! I will post a couple of pictures down below! I have been working on some dish cloths once again but in different, and more spring-like colors. I will post pictures when I get those finished as well! Any and all feedback is welcomed and encouraged! Also once again, if you are interested in anything just let me know! Thank you everyone for your continued support, it means so much more to me that you will ever know.